We love the OBX...so much we married it!

We love the OBX...so much we married it!
September 13, 2009

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

OBX 2010

We have finally settled back into our routine somewhat after a great vacation in the Outer Banks for a week with the Legnards. It doesn't really feel good to be home, but it does feel good to be back into the swing of things. Our bags are still semi-packed (hey! we didn't pack our work clothes to go to the beach!) but we are still phasing back into reality :)

We started off with a quick trip to the 4 wheel drive area in Corova- it's kind of a tradition of ours to go there with just the fam. Blake and I used to go up there for day dates when we lived in the OBX in 2007...we loved to go "ultimate tubing"...oh the good ol days :) Going to the beach now with a toddler in tow is a whole different story...

The Outer Banks vacay of 2010 was HOT! With temps above 100 degrees for 5 out of the 7 days- it was a true scorcher. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining- I'm just stating the facts. Lucky for us, the water temperature for most of the week ran around the 65ish mark (well, maybe we were a bit unlucky) which is really cold. For those of you who have not gone swimming in 60ish degree water, it was freezing! I'm talking make your feet curl and leg cramp cold. The kind of cold that when you get out of the water you literally feel your body thawing... Later in the week around Thursday, the water was gorgeous and perfect. Temps near 75 degrees :) I love swimming in the ocean more than I love sitting on the beach watching the waves crash and reading a book...I would rather be chilling in the ocean all week then anything- so you can imagine my heart break at the water temps. Of course we made the best of it! Especially the warm water day...Blake treated me with the one request I had the week before...Paddleboarding!

I got the craving to try this sport out after I saw a couple pictures of friends doing it in Wilmington, NC over 4th of July. It's not too tough to grasp, but don't underestimate the monotonous motions...it's quite the workout! We chose to bring the board to the ocean versus the sound (against our better judgement) and had a blast! All of Blake's cousins were around to witness and the try the sport out as well. Blake and I did really well on it, although I think was more graceful about it ;) I'm sure my parents would take credit for teaching me how to surf when I was little in Hawaii (Aloha Mutti and Dad! I miss you guys! Sienna too!)

Blake and I were able to sneak out for a night and got to venture out to some of our favorite spots: Awful Arthurs, Tortuga's Lie, Ocean Blvd, etc. Another bonus was playing cornhole at a new spot with Amy and Lissa at MexiCali Brewz...the atmosphere is low key and good fun (good beer too).

Alright, now to the part that everyone wants to read about....How did lil b do at the beach? Well.... he hated the sand. This was heart breaking for Big B and I! How did we know he hated the sand you ask? Everytime he stepped on a patch of sand he would sit down and wipe it off of his foot (or attempt to). Did we try to put shoes on him? Of course we did! His caretaker, Rachel, was so thoughtful to let us have a pair of water shoes her daughter grew out of, and then of course we had his crocs. No dice. As soon as he stepped on his 3rd pile of sand, he would sit down and proceed to take off his shoes and shake them out :( The only time we got him to run around on the sand solo was when we distracted him with Baked Cheetos to throw at the seagulls. He LOVED chasing the birds and trying to scare them....until he realized he was standing in sand.

Lil b was fine in the water as long as we held him or had him on our shoulders- although we did not get to explore this avenue too much due to the water temps. He really enjoyed the pool- so at least he wasn't a complete party pooper! I haven't convinced him that he needs some kind of flotation device to aid him in his pool adventures, but that is a priority on my list. He shows no fear about the pool and it scares me! He would feel comfortable jumping or walking straight into the pool...guess we need to start working on that asap!

Alright, enough chit chat. Here are some pics of the week! Sorry for the long post, it was a long week!

Lil b shaking out his shoe

Quick pic after a family walk on the beach

Lil b's first time at the Pier House Restaurant (he liked it!)

a failed attempt to capture a family pic...at least it's natural!


We are that family in the khakis...haha!

Sampling of the cousins

Fam pic in Nags Head



The fam in khakis...don't judge! We look good! ;)

Paddleboarding in the big blue

Noshing on his first DQ cone... kudos to Aunt Carol!

My studly Ray Ban baby!

There are plenty more pics, but I will save them for a rainy day! Hope the Summer is awesome for everyone!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Aloha 'Oe!!

"Farewell to thee..." I had to say farewell to my beautiful mom and sister last Friday as they venture out to Hawaii for the next 3 years (insert sniffing sound here... :*(  ) I was lucky enough to have them come visit us in WVa for 4ish days in which we were able to enjoy some quality time with eachother and nosh on some great food (thanks mom!). Lil blake got to spend some QT with his amma- which was the main point of the visit (didn't you know that once you provide a grandchild, you become chopped liver?)

dropping off my aloha bound mom and sis at Dulles....

It's been five days since they left and I miss them terribly!!! I didn't get to see them every day when they lived 5hrs away in NC, but the fact that they are no longer tangible to me is downright sad. I think about you guys everyday...and mutti, this time zone difference is doing nothing for our bff status!!! you are going to have to start waking up at 2am your time to talk to me on my way to work :) I love you guys!

On another note, our lil fam has great things to look forward to this summer. This Saturday we are OBX bound!!! Although it's not a lush paradise like Hawaii, it's still one of our favorite places to be with our families. The dune grass, sea oats, mom and pop restaurants, and the lack of umbrellas from tourists on the beach, make the OBX one of the most preserved vacation spots in the South! We are staying in Kill Devil Hills near Nags Head so we will be busy doing our favorite things!! It stinks to have to cram everything in a week, but I am not complaining.  I'm hoping to dive into some new activities next week- so stay posted. Big B and I get super excited everytime we go down there because we get to reminisce about the summer+ we were fortunate enough to live out there! It was one of the best summers of our lives!!

Summer of 2007...look how young we look! This was at our favorite restaurant/bar Ocean Blvd.

Mom and Dad make a visit to the OBX to pick on Blake haha.

Rundown Cafe

Dad with his girls!

Blake making his way down Jockey's Ridge...he broke a rib hang gliding this day!

Beware of the harness wedgie

Haha...Like I would leave Blake out of this!

Did I mention we got married in our favorite place to be? Best day of our lives (besides lil b's arrival!)

There are a ton more pics that I will have to dig up from Blake's computer...so these will have to do for now. I can't wait to share our OBXvacay2010 pics next week! I know this post was pretty random...sorry! I'm trying to squeeze it in before I go to work :)

Have a great day!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Recap!

Happy Birthday to the USA! I love being an American and there is no place I'd rather be. I feel so lucky and proud that I am part of this awesome country- and anyone who is here and does not like it, should try somewhere else out and feel how lucky they were to be here. I better get back on track to my family related stories before I start ranting.... :)

Well, let's just say that this 4th of July was semi-successful. Pros: 3day weekend, neighborhood cookout, family cookout at Uncle Rob's in Annapolis, lots of play time for lil b and his lil friends. Con: lil b did not enjoy the fireworks....

It was actually quite cute... after a long afternoon running up a hilly drive way with his friends, lil b was ready to settle down, eat some dinner, re-hydrate and do it all over again. Not long after he sat down, the fireworks show(courtesy of the dads of the neighborhood) began.... lil b stood up to see what was going on, got a little nervous and ran under a tent....then as the bigger fireworks began booming, lil b grabbed my hand and pointed to the house so we could go inside. I tried to encourage the fireworks with no luck. So we went back to our house down the way. Then I tried to get lil b to sit on our new deck (courtesy of Big B), but he was not having that either....so he eagerly led me back into the house and into the bathroom where we proceeded to hang out with the door closed for 10 minutes. One more try I thought...so I brought him outside again with Big B on the deck and he jumped out of my arms into Big B's and made him come outside. All in all, it was a nice intimate family time for us....West Virginia style as lil b fell asleep with a hot dog in his hand. Oh, by the way, this was July 3rd...we resorted to fireworks on t.v. for July 4th ;)

Better luck next year!

Lil b and his pal Q

Sprinkle Thief

Good lil helper :)

Yankee Doodle Dandee Treats!

Table Big B made for lil b




Boys of the 'hood

Busy Boys

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Similie: Blogging is like going to the gym...

I apologize for being such a stranger lately...and the only excuse I can come up with is- blogging is like going to the gym- it's easy when your in a routine but once you fall off the wagon, it's hard to get back on it! This is how my life has been in general these days... I know I have great intentions to do both, but sometmes life gets in the way...

So because you shouldn't go back to the gym with gianormous expectations the first day, I'm using this rule for blogging as well (since they are so similar...ha!). I am slowly- but surely- going to hop on both wagons today :) Enjoy the pictures and videos of what we have been up to these past few months! Keep your fingers crossed for another post sooner than later...

March/April Birthday Celebration in NC

The most amazing Tiramisu Cake by Momma Pyle

Lil b helping out with chores (must get this trait from Big B)

Yardsale end of April with the neighbors!

Lil b helping wipe down the counters..best lil helper ever!

He loves to wear our shoes lately!

lil jack's baptism! Big B is his Godfather!!

Our grown-up date at the Preakness!

Lil b's first Maggie Moo's experience...not that great!

Spaghetti head

lil b loves to ride in his lil red wagon with Q!

Boys of the 'hood!

QT with momma at the Cajun Wine Festival at Breaux Vineyards!

Watching dad build the deck :)

this kid loves icy-pops!

side view of deck

shot from the stairs

Big B cutting the stairs!

Crabcakes by Blake :) I'm a lucky lady!

Father's day gift from lil b to Big B :)

lil b enjoying his first cannoli!

tummy ache at midnight...but still adorable!

Big B bribing lil b to come down the isle at Phil and Ebeth's wedding! It worked...kind of!

too much dancing for this kid....taking a breather on the dance floor!
it was hot! stay tuned for more pics of lil b in his tux :)

lil b's new trick...ha!

Well, that's all for now... We hope everyone is doing well and can't wait to see you all soon! We head to the OBX in 16 days.... can't wait!

- krystal and the blakes :)